Monday, November 7, 2011

College and All The Confusion It Comes With

So I'm sitting here printing out the application for Middlesex Community College. I start filling it out, name, address, number, e-mail, birthday, SSN, all that good stuff. Nothing hard, nothing confusing. Then I turned the page (why oh why did I turn the page?!?!?) "Highest Level Of Education" only options..."no high school diploma" "high school diploma or GED".

My problem (and exactly what went on in my head): Well technically I have no diploma, I'm still in high school...but if I check that they might think I'm some stupid high school drop out trying to get into college with no GED or anything and be like PSH bitch please. no college for you and I'd be all but I really need to get into college. AHHHH!!!

So I check high school diploma because I'm in the process of that at the moment, still in my senior year.

So I'm like, OK cool that's done. Then I look down and it says "do you have a high school diploma": "yes, no, pending." WHY WASN'T PENDING AN OPTION AT THE TOP? *sigh* So I scribbled that out at the top and put no diploma and then checked pending at the bottom and filled out my graduation year (2012 bitchez).

Then the next page comes and it's all 'foreign students' or something and it has address info and then there's a box for employment info and I'm all "is that for me or the foreign people? the hell..." So I just say eff it and check unemployed (imma poor little hobo with no job that lives in a box...KIDDING.)

So...foreign people, boxes, checking and exing...confusion...imma red head but naturally I'm blond. explains a lot actually. Application is finally filled out though :) slowly on my way to going to college. i feel old. but don't tell my mom that. she'll kill me xD

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Things I Don't Understand Q_o

Lately I've realized there's so many things that I really don't understand. Aside from things like, math or why unicorns don't exist, but actual things that seem to be everywhere around us that everyone just accepts with out actually trying to understand. Especially drugs. My rannting will now insue.
Fair warning.

People who do drugs.
I don't care if its 'only' pot or fucking painkillers. Why? Like, do you really have nothing better to do with your life than just fuck around with these drugs and waste your life and ruin the lives of those around you? This especially pisses me off because my boyfriend's life has been fucked up so royally because someone in his family has been an addict for many, many years. I won't get into the details, it's not my story to tell. But I love him to death and anything that makes him unhappy makes me murderously mad. I'm going to marry this man someday, of course I want to make all the pain go away...If someone has a problem with abusing drugs, get them help no matter how much they say they don't need it. It's better to get them checked out and know for sure than to let it consume their lives and yours.

 I guess that's it for the moment really. Really my biggest problem is drugs. I'm seriously tired of people who are adicted to drugs. And yes if you smoke pot everyday, you DO have a problem.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Day I Realized...

     ...1200 words to describe myself really isn't enough xD Not even being conceited but it really isn't. I really only wrote about the more serious side of me and that isn't really who I am. The serious stuff is how I shape my life, my morals and all that. But who I really am is: im loud, im crazy, im a little out of whack. I love to have fun, listen to music and totally not do what im told xD

Adventure Time. Fuck yes.
      I listen to many kinds of music from Owl City to The Glitch Mob and Eminem to ICP. I really like A Day To Remember. If I had to pick a favorite band it would probably be them. Music means just about everthing to me. I always have my mp3 on me (no i don't have an iPod...) where ever I go. No matter what I'm feeling I can always find a song that fits my mood. I have like over a thousand songs on my mp3 so there is always something xD It really helps me destress, which I've been doing a lot lately. A lot of times I tend to fall asleep listening to music or watching t.v.

    Up until about a month ago I never really watched televison but I do now...a lot xD Usually cartoons like Adventure Time!!!!!!! It's most likely my favorite show ever. It's that kind of mindless funny that a lot of people hate xD Also, The Regular Show is pretty good to I watch then when I can.  Other than that I have mtv on. Though I've gotta say. Im not all that impressed with the shows they air. I miss when mtv only had MUSIC. So It's usually only tuned into mtv early in the morning for the music videos.


    I love to quote anything that's funny haha xD A lot of my little verbal quirks are from T.V. shows. Like, I don't say "oh my god" I say "oh my gob" ever since Lumpy Space Princess said it on Adventure Time xD "Oh my gob! What the stuff are you doing?" I have a list of favorite quotes over there on the side bar. It has it's own page. Check it ;D   

    Now a lot of times I tend to get in trouble over a guy -_-. This is most recently the source of all the drama and stress. A lot of times they all just want the goods without a comitment. Well guys, this is for you:

thats all for now :) I'll post other shizz laterrrs :)


A Few Of My Other Accounts

I have this random obsession with websites. Mostly on those that have a lot of random pictures to look through or where you can post your own. Here are a few:

Thats all I remember at the moment but i'll be adding more as I remember.

Capndesdes and Desandnate. Possibly the funniest guys on the net.

    You might see this as kind of an advertisment but it's really not. My bestyfriendy Brittany told me a while ago about these videos on YouTube by these two absolutely gorgeous and hysterical guys. They are the ultimate pick me up for those days when all you really wanna do is punch that hobo sitting on the curb RIGHT IN THE FACE. Just kidding thats mean. Why would you punch an innocent hobo? What's he do to you? HMMMMM? O-o -moment of silence-
    Okay so those crickets must mean that wasn't funny. FINE. But seriously these guys are FUCKING genius. My personal fave is IDEK 9 1/2. YES 9 1/2 just trust me. Watch it and be amazed.
Here's are the links to the channels on youtube ;)



Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Stupid Teacher's Who Think Their Shit Don't Stink

     Alrighty guys so this is going to be another glorious rant about how much I really hate my school. Apparntly my school is doing a lock out for some wierd reason and it's not a drill. Supposedly, some people have texted their parents and said something and said parents of said stupid kids have called the school freaking out about the lock out and our 'safety'. Okay...FIRST of all you dumb bitches, THAT IS THE REASON FOR A LOCK OUT. To keep us safe and ya know...not dead. SO CHILL YO BALLS MAMASITA AND PADREOLA.
       Anyway, back to my story. So, because the parents like to freak out over absolutely nothing, the school sent e-mails out to the teachers telling them. Just saying that it's going on and too watch out for phones and take them if they see them. Which ya know, is fine. I never get caught *evil laugh*. But my teacher is a stupid whore and decides to force all of us to surreder out beloved little pieces of social technology to this evil box of holding...FORCES. I checked, according to the hand book they aren't allowed to take our phones or electronics unless they are seen or heard. SHE NEVER SAW ANY OF OUR PHONES OR HEARD THEM. Like really. We better get them back or so help me JEBUS I will stab someones donkey...

♥ Sarah

p.s. I miss my phone :(

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Wonders of String Cheese O_e

One question ladies and gentleman: "How do they get the cheese so damn stringy??"
Cheese in it's self is all ya know, AWESOME.
BUT when its in stick form and all stringy and nommy and melty in your mouth....*droooooooool*
Oh sorry xD I was drooling on my keyboard :p
TELL ME WHY string cheese is so stringy.

-Sarah <3

Monday, February 14, 2011

How Not To Ruin Valentines Day...

DON'T BOTHER WITH IT. My theory is, if you don't aknowladge this greeting card holiday, you can't mess it up. "Oh, its valentines day already? Huh." Hahaha *evil* It also helps when you don't have a significant other. Me and boyfriend broke up about two weeks ago..blah. But were still friends, we hang out. Its...complicated. But yes. What exactly is valentines day? "It's a special day when you show that perfect someone hoe much you care." IF YOU REALLY CARED YOU SHOULD SHOW THEM EVERYDAY. So bam. It's just another comercialized holiday to me. Sure, roses and chocolate are nice. But it'd be nicer if those little gifts were given randomly instead of religiously the same day every year. "I love you baby, i bought you roses :)" Aw ^-^ "It's valentines day so i got you roses.." Uhm, thanks? See what i mean?

-Sarah <3