Friday, October 1, 2010


OKAY. Well this might seem kind of confusing but, long story short, I was hoping my kind-of-sort-of-non-boyfriend would go to prom with me. But, we were exclusively 'just friends' and had been for months (we broke up around April) but we're still pretty close. But i wasn't really 100% sure he was gonna go WITH me...but i took it for granted that he was xD

My grandma took me to get a dress for prom and i fell in love with this adorable blue and black one.
So i bought it and took pictures wearing it once i got home. I was talking to the non-boyfriend that night about the dress and showed him the pictures. He loooved the dress and said "whoevers going with you is gonna be one hell of a lucky guy". Me, being the idiot I am, said that i didnt know if there was gonna be one. I was dissapointed and thought he didn't want to go to prom with me... :( Well..ya know..not that he KNEW i wanted him to..but still xD He got all upset and asked why and i jumped into this looong explaination about how i thought he would want to go with me. Only, extreeemely awkward and in a very, "asking your first crush out on a date" kind of way. I mean COME ON i even threw in the typical "not that you HAVE to go with me. i mean, i dont need a date or anything but ya know..just kind of hoped..yeah >.>" In the end, he really DID want to go with me, but just didnt want to say anything so far away from prom :D And, being our awesome selves, I ended up asking HIM to prom :D just goes to show ya how different we are together ^-^